Our Services 

Bravo Consulting offers practical and effective solutions for all your privacy and data protection compliance challenges – no matter the size of your organisation. With a profile incorporating a diversity of skillsets ranging from Legal, Risk, Project Management and Compliance, our team of professionals currently offers a variety of services including:

  • GDPR Gap Assessment - Review and assess the organisation against the Regulation’s requirements and applicability, identifying gaps and areas of risk across its people, processes and technology, developing a pragmatic roadmap and action plan.
  • GDPR Audit - Conduct an independent review and audit of your existing GDPR program and related practices to identify potential areas of improvement and ongoing compliance.
  • GDPR Implementation - Organisations may further engage the services of RSM to assist in the implementation of the required processes and relevant actions. Our implementation support services vary from assisting your Data Protection Officer (DPO) with his/her compliance duties, drafting policies, procedures, and privacy notices, and assisting with dealing with third party service providers, just to name a few.
  • Data Breach Preparedness and Remediation - Develop and implement incident response preparedness, response and notification plans to help your organisation meet the 72-hour breach notification requirement. We can also support and assist your organisation in liaising with the Supervisory Authority as well as dealing with the aftermath of the data breach, both in terms of GDPR but also Cyber Security.
  • Data Protection Officer Support - Hands-on back-end ongoing advice and assistance to the DPO or Privacy Officer with matters relating to GDPR. We will take on a supporting role and carry out activities to assist your organisation in the most efficient and effective way possible.
  • Outsourced Data Protection Officer - In accordance with Article 39 of the GDPR, RSM also provides the services of an outsourced DPO. As your organisation’s DPO, the team will be in charge of a number of duties related to data protection, working to ensure your processes and data handling activities are compliant with the Regulation. We will aim to foster a data protection culture within the organisation and help implement essential elements of the GDPR. As part of the service offering, we will also identify risks in relation to data protection and manage them accordingly.  
  • Training & Awareness - Develop GDPR awareness campaign and develop multi-channel stakeholder specific training materials for employees, HR, Customer Support, Marketing, and other key stakeholder areas. We also offer DPO 1-2-1 training sessions. These training sessions enable a DPO to undertake its role as an independent, qualified and competent DPO. The training sessions are designed using our extensive knowledge of the GDPR, the Data Protection Act (Cap 586) of the Laws of Ireland and other relevant data protection legislation.